Sweetest Mistake

"Life offers you a thousand chances..all you have to do is to take one.."

Monday, October 30, 2006

Another Day..

Another day...

Another day to miss him...

Another day to think of him..

Another day to worry...

Just another day...

How I wish i'm with him today.Sitting on grasses so green. Feeling his hands on my waist. My head leaning on his shoulder. Talking about anything. Reminiscing moments we've shared... the awayan blues a month ag0,the feelings untold,how's the kiss,what makes me jealous,how we longed for each other...anything!!

SNAP!!! We're still young to have sweet isolated moments like that... We have a lot of things to prioritize and accomplish first... All we can do is to support each other and to W A I T... I'm not sure if what we're really feeling is the so-called love...But one thing is certain... I want to be part of him,not only now but til his very end...I do care for him...a lot actually... And for me... I love him... Yes i mean it.. i love him... Thinking of him is the simplest way to rejuvenate my strained being... It's been awhile since we last saw each other. And I can't wait to see him next week... Sembreak is alm0st over...The itch to see him almost everyday is soon to end... just another week t0 wait..üüü


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