Sweetest Mistake

"Life offers you a thousand chances..all you have to do is to take one.."

Monday, November 06, 2006

He is everything..

He is everything. I love the way he smiles. His smile makes me smile too. His eyes are so wonderful that I can’t stop looking at it. His eyes sparks better than a star.. I love his hair, though it’s not that soft from too much gel and crazy hair products.. I love the way he looks at me as if he’s forever teasing me for being me. As if he knows what im thinking and what I am about to do.

I love his hands. Those hands I know so well.. I love his scent. The way that I could still smell him even if he’s already miles away from me.. I love his looks. So stupid and awkward, with his tall, lanky frame and his poor posture.. I love the way he wears his clothes.. like a model about to walk in a catwalk.. I love his voice.. his voice that gently tells me that everything’s going to be alright..

I love his unpredictable mood. Sometimes he’s super jolly and so hyper and so everywhere.. But sometimes, he’s locked himself in a world where he’s the only one who could understand himself. I love how he thinks everything would fall into place even if they don't. I love his passion for things that I don’t even understand. I love how he thinks of himself as a nobody, when in fact, he's pretty much popular and well-liked. I love how he takes his responsibilities seriously, how he manages to be a good friend, a good son and a good person all the time..

I love the way he gets mad at me, his “tampo effects”, How he gets jealous of other people that he thinks 'might take me away' from him, and the way we tease each other as the world’s most ugliest person.. [ when we both know that it’s definitely not true! Haha] I love the fact that he calls at unholy hours of the day, each day just to make sure I'm still alive.

I love the fact that we could sit beside each other and not saying anything but could still understand each other..(weird noh? Haha)

I love a lot more things about him. I love him for what he is and what he's not.

He is everything..

Oh yes he is..

He is everything…..

…but mine…..


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